Program, Thursday June 30th 2022

Photo: Ilpo Kettunen
NOTE: Dogs are not allowed to enter the festival area. Only guide dogs may enter the festival area. Read more here!
11.30–12.30 Tastes of herättäjäjuhlat program, Market Square stage, city center
16.00 Volunteer info at the festival area
18.00 Service "talkooseurat" for volunteers, festival field.
After the service Herättäjä-Yhdistys association serves coffee, voluntary payment for the festival.
20.00 Joonas Kokkonen: Viimeiset kiusaukset. Joensuu Church, Papinkatu 1 b. Performers for example Esa Ruuttunen, Varvara Merras-Häyrynen, Matti Turunen and Olavi Suominen. Director Juulia Tapola. Opera Viimeiset kiusaukset by Joonas Kokkonen tells the life story of layman preacher Paavo Ruotsalainen. Opera is performed as a dramatised version for a stage.
Tickets beforehand and also before the performance at the church entrance.
More information
NOTE: Opera is performed in Finnish. See more.