Other Interesting Things To Do and Places to Visit

Herättäjäjuhlat is about meeting old friends and getting to know new people.
Photo: Jouko Liikanen
Consolation Massage for Ukraine
Meeting Forum: Consolating Each Other
Orthodox Church / Open Hours and Services
Roadside Churches 2022 In North Carelia
Consolation Massage for Ukraine
ISLO Itä-Suomen liikuntaopisto (Eastern Finland Sports College) offers massage for the festival guests.
ISLO Academy, Science Park, main entrance, Länsikatu 15. Distance from the festival field app. 400 m.
Open hours: Friday 1st July 15-19, Saturday 2nd July 10-17
Prices: 30 min 30 €, 60 min 60€
The massage is provided by trained massage therapists from ISLO.
The payments will be given to Ukraine by the Finnish Mission Association.
You can book a massage beforehand, tel. 050 408 5521 or +358 50 408 5521 (ISLO). After booking you get the confirmation by email. The payment at Herättäjäjuhlat point (Festival Field) at least one hour before the massage. Please show the confirmation before payment. You may also book the massage at festival market.
10 Minutes Consolation Massage for Ukraine at Areena Hall
On the festival area, at Areena Hall, you may get 10 minutes massage for 10 euros without booking in advance. The payment at festival market beforehand. The payment will be given for charity in Ukraine by the Finnish Mission Association. After payment you get the ticket.
The massage is offered by Eastern Finland Sports College. Therefore, the payment is totally given to charity in Ukraine by the Finnish Mission Association.
Friend Application
Are you looking for a friend, missing a pal? Joensuu herättäjäjuhlat co–operates with a new encountering place, Friend application. Through the site you may find a friend nearby for having a coffee or visiting culture events or herättäjäjuhlat, online or face to face. The service is available for people of all ages and all life situations www.kaverisovellus.fi. Feel free to join the site and get to know new people.
Meeting Forum: Consolating Each Other
"Nykäse hihasta" Chat Volunteers
You may stop these volunteers if you need to chat with someone.
Orthodox Church / Open Hours and Services
- Church of St Nicholas, Kirkkokatu 32. Open hours Friday 1.7. 11–17. Services: Saturday 2.7. 17.00 vigil, Sunday 3.7. 10.00 liturgy
- Orthodox Seminar Church, Church of St. John the Teologist and Enlighteners of Carelia, Torikatu 41. Open hours from Monday to Friday 10–16, Saturday 2.7. 10–16.
- Orthodox Culture Center, Kauppakatu 44, Open hours from Monday to Friday 10.30–14.00. Exhibitions: Christian Pilgrimage, Mosaic Icon Exchibition
Roadside Churches 2022 In North Carelia
Open hours and more information
- Bomba Tsasouna, Suojärvenkatu 1, Nurmes
- Hattujärvi Tsasouna of St. Peter and Paul, Hattujärventie 1, Ilomantsi
- Joensuu Evangelical Lutheran Church , Papinkatu 1, Joensuu
- Church of the Tihvinä Icon of the Mother of God, Viinijärventie 8, Viinijärvi
- Kesälahti Church, Taipaleentie 9, Kesälahti
- Kitee Church, Savikontie 5, Kitee
- Nurmes Evangelical Church, Kirkkokatu 17, Nurmes
- Outokumpu Orthodox Church of the Holy Spirit, Kirkkopolku 3, Outokumpu
- Polvijärvi Church of St John the Baptist,, Haavikontie 31, Polvijärvi
- The Church of St. Prophet Elia, Kirkkotie 15, Ilomantsi
- Utra Church Väisälänkatu 2, Joensuu
- Valamo Monastery The Church of the Transfiguration of Christ, Valamontie 42, Uusi-Valamo
- Valtimo Church, Kunnantie 6, Valtimo
Museums and Exhibitions
Get to know Joensuu and the festival area maps here.
Joensuu Arts Museum Onni, Kirkkokatu 23, open hours Thursday–Sunday 10–16, www.joensuuntaidemuseo.fi
North Carelia Museum Hilma, Carelicim, Koskikatu 5, open hours Thursday–Sunday 10–16, www.pohjoiskarjalanmuseo.fi
Permanent exhibition Matkalla Karjalassa (Visiting Carelia) takes you all the way from prehistoric times to present day in North Karelia.
Summer exhibition until Aug 28th 2022 Unforeseen. The summer exhibition brings you a lovely view of North Karelian private homes from the past times.
Mukulakatu – Children’s Museum
Joensuu City Library, Muikku Hall, Koskikatu 25, open hours Monday-Friday 9–19, Saturday 10–16. Pirkko Nuutinen’s Life Journey -installation as a room of silence.
Joensuu Bunker Museum, Virrantaus 7, Joensuu. Open hours 29.6.–22.7.2022 Wednesday-Saturday 10–16, https://pohjoiskarjalanmuseo.fi/joensuun-bunkkerimuseo.fi
Free entrance.
Vesikko Swimming Hall
Uimarintie 1, beside the festival area.
Open hours:
Friday 6–20
Saturday 10–17
Sunday 11–17