Program, Saturday July 2nd 2022

People on Festival Field.
Photo: Malla Kullas
NOTE: Dogs are not allowed to enter the festival area. Only guide dogs may enter the festival area. Read more here!
Open hours: Festival field 8.30–20, breakfast 7.30–10, festival restaurant 11–18.30, cafeterias l–lll 8–20, grill 14–23
Get to know Joensuu and the festival area maps here.
Kuhasalo nature path (2 km), Kukkosensaari 5 ( Non–guided, accessible, silent path for all ages during the festival.
8.30 Morning service "aamuseurat", festival field
Student secretary from Herättäjä association Katariina Airas, Porvoo, rector, minister Ilpo Saarelainen, Kontiolahti, head pastor Stefan Holm, Joensuu Orthodox Church, head pastor Arja Majuri, Lohja
Mini Finnish Baseball school by JoMa (Joensuun Maila) beside the festival field. Check timetables.
There are available festival activity note books for children at the festival area and Joensuu Church.
10–12 Activity points for schoolchildren and younger children at Joensuu Church Hill, Papinkatu 1 b.
Church adventure and other activities for schoolchildren, younger children and their families. 11.30 Körttiörkki Köppänen at Zion music school!
10–12 Drawing point for children and adults at Areena, near the festival restaurant. You may also make Henki Magazine page for children.
Köppänen memory game. Children's character "Köppänen" from Henki Magazine has spread his memory game pictures to a forest nearby the festival field. There are nine pictures to discover. Scan QR codes with smart phone or tablet. Free QR code reading application you can upload from your app store into your own or your caretakers phone. When you have found all the pictures, you can get a small gift from Henki Magazine drawing point at Areena on Saturday 10–12 or 15.30–18.
10.30 Shift hymns "vuoroveisuut", festival field.
Head pastor Tuomo Ruuttunen, Kuopio. Herättäjäyhdistys Choir, dir. Petra Perttula and children’s choir camp participants. Singing Hymns of Zion 2, 95, 159, 9 and 251. See more.
Offering for revival spirited work in Aholansaari and Wanha Karhunmäki, see more.
11.00 Bible study "raamattutunti", festival field
Professor emeritus Paavo Kettunen, Joensuu.
12.15 Meeting for newcomers and persons arriving on their own at section K at festival field.
Are you visiting herättäjäjuhlat the first time or has life brang you to the festival on your own? Or would you like to meet someone to sit with you on the service bench? Join the meeting to get to know new people and change thoughts and ask about revival movement and herättäjäjuhlat from the volunteers.
13.00 Day service "päiväseurat", festival field. Festival speech Herättäjä-Yhdistys managing director Kalle Hiltunen, Nurmo, parliamentian Anu Vehviläinen, Joensuu, opera singer Johanna Rusanen–Kartano, Siuntio, bishop emeritus Matti Sihvonen, Kuopio.
Offering for Herättäjä-Yhdistys association work in Finland, see more.
Day services will be recorded to the radio. The recording is played in Yle Radio 1 on Sunday 10.7. at 11.00 (a week after the festival).
At first we sing verses 1 and 4 from the hymn Jumala ompi linnamme
1. Jumala ompi linnamme
ja vahva turva aivan,
on miekkamme ja kilpemme
ajalla vaaran, vaivan.
Se vanha vainooja,
kavala, kauhea,
on kiivas, kiukkuinen
ja julma, hirmuinen.
Vain Herra hänet voittaa.4. Se sana seisoo vahvana,
ne ei voi sitä kestää.
Kun kanssamme on Jumala,
ken meiltä voiton estää?
Jos veis he henkemme,
osamme, onnemme,
ne heidän olkohon,
vaan meidän iät on
Jumalan valtakunta.
14.15 Former and current students of Revival colleges gather at the festival field.
14.15 Meeting forum: Consolating each other, Urheilutalo, Koskikatu 12.
Discussing in small groups. Anna–Riitta Pellikka and Heikki Salomaa.
14.30–15.15 Family concert, Joensuu Church, Papinkatu 1 b. Tickets 5 €/ person, children under 7 years free entrance.
Pekka Laukkarinen trio plays joyful and speedy music for schoolchildren, younger childen and their families.
15.00 Visitors wearing traditional peasant "körtti" costume gather under the choir roof at the festival field.
15.30 Mission service "lähetysseurat", festival field.
Russian language student Santeri Leinonen, Hyvinkää, pastor Andrei Antonov, Sortavala, Finnish mission society, account manager of the Finnish mission society, pastor Suvimarja Rannankari–Norjanen, Vantaa, pastor Satu Väätäinen, Nilsiä.
Offering for international work by Herättäjä-Yhdistys, see more.
15.30–18 Activity points for schoolchildren and younger children at Joensuu Church Hill, Papinkatu 1 b.
Handicraft, hobby horse race, hair plaiting point, bouncing castle and other acitivities for schoolchilden, younger children and their families.
15.30–18 Drawing point for children and adults at Areena, near the festival restaurant.
You may also make Henki Magazine page for children. You can also meet Körttiörkki Köppänen!
16.30 Wandering Mass Starts from the front of Joensuu Church (Papinkatu 1b).
The mass is pilgrim-spirited, including the Word of God, praying and altar paintings.
Holy Communion ends the mass. Come over to hear what happens in you and me during the path with the Holiness.
The length of the path is app. 1,5 km and lasts about 2 hours. Check the weather forecast and be prepared to take your sunglasses, sunhat and umbrella with you, depending on the weather. Take also your medicine and water bottle with you.
You are welcome to join a common journey with the Holiness.
Max. 50 persons.
17.00 Life Seasons concert, Joensuu Pakkahuone, Rantakatu 2 B.
Singing, piano and harmonium Minna Raassina, directive cantor, Savonlinna. Singing together old hymns and also poems of Saima Harmaja and Helvi Juvonen composed and presented by Minna Raassina.
Program leaflet 10 €
17.00 Rainbow services "sateenkaariseurat", Helmi space, Rantakatu 23 a cellar, Joensuu.
Mio Kivelä, Wille Riekkinen and Henna Salo.Singing Hymns of Zion and listening short speeches.
Offering for youth work of Herättäjä-Yhdistys, see more.
Coffee and chatting after collecting the service.
17.00 Meetings for professionals, Coffee, snacks etc. starting from 16.30
- Teologians, Carelia Hall, Yliopistonkatu 4
- Child and youth counselors, Joensuu Church Center, Kirkkokatu 28
- Church and other musicians, Joensuu Church Center, Kirkkokatu 28
- Deacon workers, Joensuu Church Center, Kirkkokatu 28
17.00 International work meeting: Mission or internationality in Herättäjä-Yhdistys association? Joensuu Areena, 2nd floor, cafeteria, Mehtimäenaukio 2. Discussing and changing thoughts about Herättäjä-Yhdistys international work and the position in the wholeness of our churh.
Coffee serving starting 16.30
17.00 Herättäjä-Yhdistys Association local branch meeting, Joensuu Urheilutalo, Koskikatu 12.
Coffee is served from 16.30. For all who are participating in local committees this year.
18.30 Evening service "iltaseurat", festival field
Member of European Parliament Sirpa Pietikäinen, Hämeenlinna, journalist Virpi Väisänen, Helsinki, docent Vesa Hirvonen, Helsinki, pastor and author Pauliina Kainulainen, Kontiolahti. Offering for Herättäjä-Yhdistys youth and student work, see more.
19–20 Köpärit, Urheilutalo, Koskikatu 12
Getting to know other young people. Program arranged by young point of contacts.
20.00 Travelling common journey, Herättäjä-Yhdistys association choir together with Canzonetta choir from Joensuu. Joensuu Church, Papinkatu 1 b
Directors Petra Perttula and Janne Piipponen. Herättäjäyhdistys choir has long traditions.
Canzonetta is celebrating its 50 years anniversary this year.
Program 15 €
21–22 Mika Nuorva and Aurinkokunta gig, Urheilutalo, Koskikatu 12.
Tickets 10 €, tickets may be bought beforehand from youth work booth. Singer and songwriter Nuorva is known for his lively and standtaking songs.
You are welcome to enjoy Finnish pop–rock and körtti gospel in an atmospheric summer night.
People for all ages.
21.30 Jukka Perko and Teemu Viinikainen. Joensuu Church, Papinkatu 1 b.
Jukka Perko, saxophone, Teemu Viinikainen, acoustic guitar. Hymn versions of Jukka Perko have been able to speak to the listeners for already two decades.
Jazz professionals Perko and Viinikainen play hymns with simplified soulfulness.
Sometimes, when looking for truth and beauty, they end up into landscapes only to be found by getting lost.
Courage, humbleness, honoring traditions, looking for new, bareness and plentiness–our hymns getting a whole new life.
Tickets 15 € beforehand from the festival area, herättäjäjuhlat booth.
21.30 Aholansaari Sinfonietta, Joensuu Church Center, Kirkkokatu 28.
Program leaflet 10 €. Traditional barefoot concert. Sinfonietta consists of young students and professionals. You are welcome to enjoy music of Mozart, hymns of Zion etc.
23–02 Cafeteria for young people, Joensuu Urheilutalo, Koskikatu 12.
Cafeteria, meeting friends and new people.