Accommodation 2022

Accommodation bookings beforehand and when arriving.
Bookings **@**
Special needs (disabílities etc.) asked to be informed when booking.
The invoice and the information will be sent beforehand. Booking is binding when it is paid.
If the payment is not made by the due date, the booking is not valid any more.
Any changes must be reported to the accommodation office immediately.
During the festival bookings can be made at the accomodation office and certain accommodation places.
The accommodation office during the festival
tel. 044 566 0224 or +358 44 566 0224
Open hours
Thursday 30.6. 10–22
Friday 1.7. 9–22
Saturday 2.7. 8–22
Sunday 3.7. 9–13
Accommodation places are open from Thursday 30.6. 3 pm to Sunday 3.7. 5 pm
Dormitory accommodation
Rooms for two persons at Riveria student dormitory at Merimiehenkatu and Peltolankatu. Prices include mattresses. NOTE: Linen and pillows not included. Toilets, showers and kitchens. Distance from Merimiehenkatu to festival area 700 m. Price 40 €/ night / person, children under four years free accommodation
The caravan area is located at Linnunlahti race track (Linnunlahdentie 5). The walking distance to the festival area is 1 km. Payment when checking in if not payed beforehand. Payment receit must be presented when arriving.
Price 20 € / night (elecricity not included)
For persons holding a parking card for people with reduced mobility caravan parking at Yliopistonkatu 3, beside the festival area, between Vesikko swimming hall and UEF (University of Eastern Finland). Distance to Festival area < 100 m.
Tent accommodation
Camping area is located at Linnunlahti race track (Linnunlahdentie 5). The distace to festival area is app. 1 km. Bookings when arriving. Payment when arriving if not paid beforehand. Payment receits must be presented before entering the area. Prices: tent place and car 15 €/ 1 night, tent place with no car 10 €/ 1 night. Parking lot is beside the camping area.
Joint accommodation
Joensuu Yhteiskoulu high school, Papinkatu 3. Parking lot. Distance to festival area app. 1,3 km. Mattress included, linen and pillows not. Toilets and showers. Price: 15 € / 1 night, breadfast included. Payment when checking in or if payed beforehand, the payment receit must be presented.
Youth accommodation
Joensuu Lyseo primary school, Koskikatu 10. Distance to festival area app. 700 m. Mattress included, linen and pillow not. Toilets and showers at Urheilutalo (Sports hall house), beside the primary school. Breakfast is served at Joensuu yhteiskoulu high school, Papinkatu 3. Information: Price: 10 € / 1 night, breakfast included.
Accommodation for performers and volunteers
Joensuun yhteiskoulu lukio (high school), see joint accommodation. Accommodation secretary tel. 050 560 1448, **@**.
All accommodation areas are smoke-free.