Program, Friday July 1st 2022

Joensuu Church.
Photo: Ilpo Kettunen
NOTE: Dogs are not allowed to enter the festival area. Only guide dogs may enter the festival area. Read more here.
Open hours: Festival Market 14–20, Festival restaurant 16–18.30, cafeterias l–lll 12–20, grill 16-23
Get to know Joensuu and the festival area maps here.
Kuhasalo nature path (2 km), Kukkosensaari 5 ( Non-guided, accessible, silent path for all ages during the festival.
11.30–12.30 Tastes of herättäjäjuhlat program, Market Square stage, city center
13.00–15.00 Climate change is going further — are you prepared?
Seminar and discussion forum in Finnish, UEF (University of Eastern Finland, Yliopistonkatu 4 Carelia Hall)
Free entrance
Coffee is served 12.30, participants are expected to inform the staff beforehand by 17.6.
15.30 Herättäjä-Yhdistys Association annual meeting, Joensuun seurakuntakeskus, Kirkkokatu 28.
NOTE: Checking memberships 14.30–15.30. More information:
15.30 Wandering Mass. Starts from the front of Joensuu Church (Papinkatu 1b).
The mass is pilgrim-spirited, including the Word of God, praying and altar paintings.
Holy Communion ends the mass. Come over to hear what happens in you and me during the path with the Holiness.
The length of the path is app. 1,5 km and lasts about 2 hours. Check the weather forecast and be prepared to take your sunglasses, sunhat and umbrella with you, depending on the weather. Take also your medicine and water bottle with you.
You are welcome to join a common journey with the Holiness.
16.00 "Veisuut", Hymns, festival field. Singing of Hymns of Zion.
16.00–18.00 Choir camp for children, Joensuun konservatorion sali, Yliopistokatu 4.
Practising Hymns of Zion for Saturday, starting at 15.45. Sanna Pitkänen.
20 € / child, 15 € sibling. Lunch ticket, snack, notes and insurance included.
Performance on Saturday 2.7. 10.30 Shift hymns (practicing 10.00) on Sunday 3.7. 13.15 Childrens hymn 175 in the beginning of the last services.
Registering 25.-17.6. Herättäjä-Yhdistys **@** or 06 433 5700, 20.-30.6. music secretary Katariina Airas **@** or 040 351 7652.
18.00 Opening service "aattoseurat", festival field.
Secretary General, pastor Kati Nissi, Kontiolahti, Mayor of Joensuu Kari Karjalainen, Joensuu, specialist doctor Matti Ketonen, minister Tiina Reinikainen, Joensuu, festival committee chairman, minister Petri Karttunen, Joensuu.
Offering for work in Finland by Herättäjä-Yhdistys, see more here.
19.00-22.00 Picnic at Ilosaari, Siltakatu 1.
Spending time in a relaxing atmosphere in a beautiful, small island beside the river and listening good music. Musicians for example Jaakko Löytty, Tapani and Pirkko Nuutinen with a band. Hostess Salla Romo. Snacks available at buffet. Possibility to practice rowing a traditional church boat.
20.00 Joonas Kokkonen: Viimeiset kiusaukset. Joensuu church, Papinkatu 1 b.
Performers for example Esa Ruuttunen, Varvara Merras-Häyrynen, Matti Turunen and Olavi Suominen. Director Juulia Tapola. Opera Viimeiset kiusaukset by Joonas Kokkonen tells the life story of layman preacher Paavo Ruotsalainen. Opera is performed as a dramatised version for a stage.
Tickets beforehand and also before the performance at the church entrance.
More information
NOTE: Opera is performed in Finnish.
20.00 Hymns for consolating each other
Rantakylä church, Rantakylänkatu 2. Elina Vitri, singing, Janne Piipponen, piano, Ville Kivivuori, cello. The concert consists of Hymns of Zion, hymns and hymnlyric-toned newer songs orchestrated for singing, piano and cello.
Cantors from Joensuu, Elina Vitri and Janne Piipponen together with pedagog Ville Kivivuori bring the hymns to the present moment with freshorchestrations
Through decades, hymns consolate and carry us and write the lyrics of our deepest and most inner emotions.
Program leaflet 10 €
20.00 From where can I get the power to carry on?
Anna-Maija Raittila presents her poems with cello music. Yliopistonkatu 4.
Aino-Kaarina Mäkisalo and bishop Voitto Huotari present poems with diplom cellist Matti Makkonen.
The music is based on Hymns of Zion and traditional Finnish songs, for example, with presenters creating and improvisating the performance inspirated by poems.
Program leaflet 15 €
21.30 Körttivisa, Pub Takatasku, Keskuskuja 1.
Where was Paavo Ruotsalainen going to move? Are you able to name three Hymns of Zion Hymns of Zion where animals are mentioned? If you don’t know, guess! Playful quiz of Hymns of Zion and revival movement. Team quiz starting at 21.30
Houseband Rinki plays music. Free entrance, minimum age 18 years.
Körttiradios night radio: Songs of consolation and lack of consolation
Helsinki city area (105,8 MHz), Joensuu (101,5 MHz) and Kitee (87,7 Mhz)
22.30 Night hymns for young people, Festival field
22.30-02 Night cafe for young people, Urheilutalo, Koskikatu 12.
Cafeteria, program to welcome to Joensuu! Boardgames etc.