Herättäjäjuhlat 2022 Mascot Kaarlo and Children’s Character Köppänen Participating In Joensuu Herättäjäjuhlat

Kaarlo the otter is also attending herättäjäjuhlat.
Festival mascot otter Kaarlo and children’s character Köppänen from Henki Magazine children’s page are taking part in herättäjäjuhlat. The name Kaarlo has been invented by Eno Church Uimaharju nursery school children. You can meet Kaarlo also on the social media of herättäjäjuhlat.
Children and their families have been taken into account in many ways. At the festival field there is a playground and at Areena Hall babycare and supervised childcare units. There is an activity point for schoolchildren and younger children on Joensuu church hill. There are also events to visit for teenagers at the festival.
The main events which are ”seurat”, service, traditionally take place underneath the sky.
Joensuu Finnish base ball stadium is formed as a big service hall where even 10 000 festival guests are expected to visit at the same time. About 20 000 guests are expected to visit herättäjäjuhlat during the weekend.
Among herättäjäjuhlat events there is a lot of joint program in different parts of the city. Tastes of the program are presented daily at the market square of Joensuu. Plenty of culture program is available in churches, for example the opera ”The Last Temptations” in Joensuu Church, presented in Finnish.
Climate issues are being discussed at Carelia Hall. The speakers are for example General Secretary, meteorologist and doctor of philosophy Petteri Taalas from the World Meteorological Organization, Geneve and climate researcher Panu Pihkala from the University of Helsinki.
The sign of the Festival is ”Consolating Each Other”. The organizers see this theme more timely in the current situation than before.